On Friday 28th January, I celebrated my 21st birthday in Reims. 15 of my family and family friends came to France to celebrate with me & we had a very enjoyable weekend. On the Friday night, we went to a lovely restaurant called Le Millénaire where we ate lots of yummy food! I was also presented with a very nice chocolate cake :) It was nice to show everyone the sites of Reims and visit the Mumm champagne house! For me, it was the first birthday celebrated outside the UK and it was awesome - I hope there are many more to come!
Last Saturday, I took a day trip to Paris to escape Reims for the day and see a few friends currently spending their year abroads there. I along with 2 friends of mine went to the Notre Dame. I had never been inside and it was beautiful & big! We also climbed up to the top where the views were absolutely incredible. After Notre Dame, we went to the Panthéon which is a beautiful buidling where many famous people are buried. It is situated in the Latin Quarter and was an interesting experience. I got to see the remains of several people including Voltaire, Rousseau and Victor Hugo. It was very special too to see the burial place of Jean Jaurès as my school is named after him! I had an enjoyable trip to Paris and am looking forward to my next visit.
Otherwise teaching is going well. Today I gave a presentation to 17 pupils on India which went well and I showed them a clip of Slumdog Millionaire. This weekend, I along with another assistant are celebrating our bdays with our friends which I'm very much looking forward to!
That's all for now but I will write more soon!