Monday, November 15, 2010

What a wonderful weekend & Why I don't miss England

After a few down days for various different reasons, I had a wonderful weekend with wonderful people! There was a wine festival at the Parc des Expositions, around 15 minutes by bus from the centre of Reims. I had gone there at the beginning of this year abroad for a chocolate festival so I loved and we managed to get free tickets so off we went on the bus! I have to say it was AMAZING and probably the best activity I've done since I got here. There were literally hundreds of wine stalls selling thousands of different bottles and giving free samples so if you really wanted to, you could easily get very drunk.

It was so overwhelming and we didn't cover all of it - its almost impossible but we did try lots of amazing wines but I quickly decided that I had to go back on Sunday to actually buy wine so I returned two days later. I decided that on the Sunday, I wouldn't try very many so I could concentrate on buying but I have to say I did get a bit merry! I ended up buying 3 bottles - a Medoc red from Bordeaux, an Alsace white wine called Gewurztraminer and a champagne! I'm hoping to take at least 2 home for Christmas. The festival was really good & I learnt so much about French wine including new vocab!

On Saturday, I went with another assistant and her 2 friends to Epernay to see other assistants who we had met at the stage & go to Moet & Chandon. I had been with my parents already but this time did the French tour. It was ok but I much preferred the English tour that I did previously and felt it was more comprehensive. I was however pleased with the knowledge I have acquired since arriving here and asked the tour guide some questions in French! It was a pleasant day and lovely to catch up with everyone in Epernay!

This time next month I will be getting ready to go back to England for the Christmas holidays. Personally I have mixed feelings about going back. On one hand, I am looking forward to going back to see family and friends and celebrate Christmas. I'm looking forward to having fast internet, reading British newspapers & eating lots of great food! I am really not missing England though despite a few small things that I can live without (Eastenders for example!) Of course I miss my friends and family but again its very easy to keep in touch and everyone leads very busy lives anyway.

I think this whole experience has confirmed to me what I knew before- that I don't really want to live in the UK forever and ever. I don't miss England because back home I always feel that I'm on a treadmill, leading  busy life with something to do everyday and I get little time to relax. On the other hand, in France the way of life is so much more relaxed and people seem to have more time for you. Whilst Britain is the 25th happiest place in the world behind Lithuania and Uruguay, France is the happiest country in the world to live in according to a recent survey. And France has come top for the last 5 years and to be honest I'm not surprised. The French really chill out and enjoy their  lives whilst retaining family values. They are much more cultured than the Brits, have an excellent healthcare system and a pretty good state education system too. And they have excellent food and drink!

I'm not saying France is a perfect country but I can see why people are so happy here!

Well that's all for me now but I will be back soon!

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